31 Januari 2013

Tuturan Dalam Bahasa Lole

Tuturan Dalam Bahasa Lole
(Ballad in ritual poetry, in the Lole language)
Lole, Rote, 12 December 2004

Anggama Salanik ma Susula Malalaok neni Lote do Kale[ii] neu tutuin.
Sejarah kedatangan Agama Kristen dan Alkitab ke Rote atau Kale.
The history of the coming of the Christian Religion and the Bible to Rote (also known as Kale).

Lole faik ia dalen do lada ledok ia tein,
Pada hari ini atau di saat ini,
Today and at this moment,

Ita tonggo langga teu esa tesa bele-tatau nai’ Manetualain Uman ia.
Kita berjumpa muka menjadi satu hadir di Rumah Allah ini.
We meet face to face in unity and fellowship here in the House of God.

Do ita lima ndaa teu dua tama bele o’ota nai Lamatuak Loon ia.
Atau kita bersua tangan menjadi dua berada di Kemah Tuhan ini.
And we hold hands as we enter two-by-two into the Tabernacle of the Lord.

Tute huu hataholi Heti Lole[iii] sangga simbo Susula Malalaok dede’a Heti Lole.
Karena orang Heti Lole akan menerima Kitab Suci dalam bahasa Heti Lole.
Because the Heti Lole people will receive the Holy Scriptures in the Heti Lole language.

Kalu huu andia na Ningga Lada sangga simbo Susula Malalafuk dede’a Ningga Lada.
Sebab insan Ningga Lada mau menyambut Kitab Kudus dalam bahasa Ningga Lada.
And because the inhabitants of Ningga Lada (=another name for Lole) want to welcome the Bible in the Ningga Lada dialect.

Huu ndia de au hule neu ama sala,
Karena itu saya meminta kepada bapa-bapa,
That is why I request you gentlemen,

Ma au tai-boni neu ina sala,
Dan saya memohon kepada ibu-ibu,
And I appeal to you ladies,

Fo ita tasaneda ndandaa neu hida bei hata naa,
Agar kita mengingat akan waktu nan lampau,
For us to recall together a time long ago,

Ma ita tafalende lololo neu dato bei doon ele,
Dan kita mengenang pada masa nan silam,
And reminisce about a story in the distant past,

Neu lelek hataholi Lote bei songgo nitu,
Di saat orang Rote masih menyembah setan,
When the people of Rote still worshipped evil spirits,

Neu tembok andia na Kale bei tanggu mula,
Di masa insan Kale masih berhala iblis,
And when the inhabitants of Kale (=Rote) still revered the devil,

Neu lelek manetua tuni tenak,
Di saat yang besar menjajah yang kecil,
At a time when those in authority oppressed the commoners,

Neu tembok kamasu’in ndeni hata taak.
Di masa yang kaya memeras si miskin.
An era when the rich exploited the poor.

De falu-ina[iv] la ala dadi lai Lote,
Hingga para janda menjadi jadi di Rote,
So that widows began to appear on Rote,

Ma ana-maa[v] la ala moli lai Kale,
Sampai yatim-piatu bermunculan di Kale,
And orphans began to spring up around Kale,

Falu-ina la ala lumata bese kedu huu ala to’a bele-dodoi,
Para balu janda menangisi nasib derita nan tak kunjung henti,
The widows wept for their fate of a suffering that never ceased,

Ma ana-maa la ala pinu-idu bese-bota huu ala taa bele-dodoso.
Dan para yatim piatu meratapi takdir sengsara nan tak putus.
And the orphans lamented their destiny of on-going misery.

Langgou ngganggali loke lemba la’e,
Mereka berteriak meminta bantuan,
They cried out asking for help,

Ma laloo lelea tai-boni doi-sou,
Dan mereka menjerit memohon pertolongan,
And they screamed pleading for assistance,

Tehuu mana lemba la’e tana losa,
Namun penolong tak kunjung sampai,
However the one providing help never came,

Tehuu mana doi-sou tana nduku.
Tapi pemberi bantuan tiada tiba.
And the one giving assistance never appeared.

De ketu falu-ina la namahenan,
Lalu para balu-janda berputus harap,
So the widows gave up hope,

Ma ladi ana-maa la nakabanin.
Dan para yatim-piatu berputus asa.
And the orphans lost heart.

Huu ndia de Mane Heti Lole do Ningga Lada fo Ndi’i Hu’a ana dale hedi,
Karena itu Raja Heti Lole atau Ningga Lada, yakni Ndi’i Hu’a bersedih hati,
Because of that, the King of Heti Lole or Ningga Lada (=Lole) named Ndi’i Hu’a was sad,

Ma Boko Tada Muri do Rene Kona[vi] fo Foe Mbura ana tei sona,
Dan Raja Tada Muri atau Rene Kona (=Tii), yakni Foe Mbura berduka lara,
And the King of Tada Muri or Rene Kona (=Tii, neighbouring domain), named Foe Mbura was in grief,

Huu susuek do lalaik taa nai Lote,
Karena kasih atau cinta tak ada di Rote,
Because love and affection were not to be found on Rote,

Huu ndolu do lela taa nai Kale.
Karena tak ada hikmat atau bijak di Kale.
And because wisdom and knowledge did not exist on Kale.

Dua sala du’a sangga ndolu,
Mereka berdua berpikir mencari hikmat,
The two of them thought they should seek wisdom,

Dua sala afi tungga lela.
Mereka berdua bermaksud mengusahakan bijak.
The two of them wanted to pursue knowledge.

Dua sala dalek esa dudu’an lo Mane Pena Pua do Baka Lama[vii] fo Toudengga Lilo,
Mereka berdua sepikir dengan Raja Pena Pua atau Baka Lama (=Ba’a), yakni Toudengga Lilo,
Both of them were of one accord with the King of Pena Pua or Baka Lama (=Ba’a, neighbouring domain), named Toudengga Lilo,

Ma dua sala teik esa a’afin lo Boko Danda Nane do Nggede Kee[viii]fo Ndala Naong.
Dan mereka berdua sepakat dengan Raja Danda Nane do Nggede Kee(=Lelain), yakni Ndala Naong.
And the two of them were in agreement with the King of Danda Nane or Nggede Kee (=Lelain, neighbouring domain), named Ndala Naong.

De ala lakandolu tonda ofan do lalela balu-paun.
Lalu mereka membuat perahu atau membangun kapal.
So they made a boat and built a ship.

Boe ma ala fee nunade tonda ofan nade Sangga Ndolu,
Lalu mereka menamakan perahu itu dengan nama Sangga Ndolu (“Cari Hikmat”),
Then they named the boat Sangga Ndolu (“Seeking Wisdom”),

Ma ala bala-tona balu-paun nade Tungga Lela[ix]
Dan mereka menamai kapal dengan nama Tungga Lela (“Ikut Bijaksana”).
And they called the ship Tungga Lela (“Pursue Knowledge”).

Neu fai foon de ledo ekon,
Di saat yang tepat atau waktu yang benar,
At the right time and the appropriate moment,

Dua sala laba lala balu-paun do ala tingga lala tonda ofan.
Mereka berdua menaiki kapal atau memasuki perahu.
The two of them boarded the ship and embarked on the boat. (This took place around 1728.)

Ala leko laa benggiti de lalida laa leu,
Mereka mengatur layar lalu bersayap layar pergi,
They raised the sail and spread their wings to go,

Ala pale uli betidi de la’ei tuku leu,
Mereka mengarah kemudi lalu berkaki dayung pergi,
They set the rudder and poled out to leave,

Ala tada ani ii esik sain mana momodon,
Mereka menampung angin melalui lautan biru,
They caught the wind and sailed across the deep blue sea,

Ala sida lii tungga liun mana nggenggeon.
Mereka mengelak ombak menyemberangi samudera hitam.
They skillfully steered the waves and crossed the black ocean.

Ala tuli Sapi Dape do ala ladi Bebe Ino.[x]
Mereka menyinggahi Sapi Dape atau menghampiri Bebe Ino (=Bali).
They stopped in at Sapi Dape and approached Bebe Ino (=Bali).

Ala nafu leu Jaba Dipa[xi] daen do ala see leu Matabi oen.[xii]
Mereka berlabu di tanah Jawa atau bersandar di Batavia.
They anchored at the land of Jaba Dipa (=Java) and came to rest at Matabi (=Batavia/Jakarta).

Ala latonggo lo pandita lou fulak Olanda.
Mereka bertemu muda dengan pendeta berkulit putih Belanda.
They met a white-skinned Dutch preacher.

Ma ala laneta lo mese mata meok Olanda.
Mereka berjumpa dengan guru bermata biru Belanda.
And they encountered a blue-eyed Dutch teacher.

Tehuu kokola nala tala lato’uk do dede’a nala tala latutik,
Namun bahasa mereka tidak bersambung,
But what they said could not be understood and their languages were not intelligible,

Huu esa ko kokolan do dede’an.
Karena masing-masing dengan bahasa-nya.
Because each of them had their own different language.

De ala sakola lanoli dede’a Malai,
Jadi mereka bersekolah belajar bahasa Malayu,
So they went to school and learned the Malay language,

Bei fo lafada sila mamain do ala tui sila hihiin.
Baharu mereka mengatakan maksud mereka dan menceritakan keinginan mereka.
Before they could explain the purpose of their coming and tell of their desires.

Boe ma pandita la lanoli sala Manetualain Hala Malolen,
Lalu para pendeta mengajar mereka Kabar Baik dari Allah (yaitu Injil),
Then the preachers taught them the Good News from God (=Gospel),

Ma mese anggama la lafada sala Lamatuak Yesus Dala Sodan.
Dan guru-guru agama mengajar mereka Jalan Keselamatan Tuhan Yesus.
And the religious teachers explained to them the Way of Salvation of the Lord Jesus.

Boe ma dua sala ala sale dalek ma tuke-teik.
Lalu mereka berdua menyesal dosa dan bertobat.
Then they regretted the things they had done wrong and repented.

Ala salani Mane Ndi’i Hu’a nade Balsasar Paulus Zacharias.
Mereka membaptis Raja Ndi’i Hu’a bernama Balsasar Paulus Zacharias.
They baptized King Ndi’i Hu’a with the name Balsasar Paulus Zacharias.

Ma ala salani Mane Foe Mbura nade Benyamin Messakh.
Dan mereka mempermandikan Raja Foe Mbura bernama Benyamin Messakh.
And they baptized King Foe Mbura with the name Benyamin Messakh.

Ala tabis asa dadik pandita (Inlandsch leeraar).
Mereka ditabis menjadi pendeta (guru jumat).
They were ordained as preachers (native lay preachers in the Dutch system).

Ma ala so’u sala dadik mese sakola.
Dan mereka diangkat menjadi guru sekolah rakyat.
And they were appointed as elementary school teachers.

Boe ma ala fali leni Lote daen leu,
Lalu mereka pulang ke pulau Rote,
Then they went back to the island of Rote,

Do ala tulek leni Kale oen leu.
Atau mereka kembali ke tanah Kale.
And they returned to the land of Kale.

Ala losa Lote daen do Kale oen,
Setibanya mereka di pulau Rote atau tanah Kale,
Upon their arrival back at the island of Rote and the land of Kale,

Boe ma Mane Lole Balsasar Paulus Zacharias nanggou ngganggali Manetualain Hala Malolen neme Mandoo[xiii] lain Lole mai,
Lalu Raja Lole Balsasar Paulus Zacharias memberitakan Kabar Baik dari Allah dari atas Mandoo Lole,
Then the King of Lole, Balsasar Paulus Zacharias, proclaimed the Good News from God throughout Lole from the palace at Mandoo,

Ma Mane Tii Benyamin Messakh naloo lelea Lamatuak Yesus Dala Soda Mandaan neme Fiulain[xiv] Tii mai.
Dan Raja Tii Benyamin Messakh mengabarkan Jalan Keselamatan Tuhan Yesus dari Fiulain – Tii.
And the King of Tii, Benyamin Messakh, taught the Way of Salvation of the Lord Jesus from the fort at Fiulain in Tii.

Manetualain Hala Malolen nanatuik basa Lote de ana tasi losa Savu, Helok[xv] ma Liti-Lifun. [xvi]
Kabar Baik dari Allah diberitakan ke seluruh Rote dan menyeberang ke Sabu, Semau dan Timor.
The Good News from God was told throughout all of Rote and then crossed the sea to Savu, Semau and Timor.

Lamatuak Yesus Dala Soda Mandaan nanabenggak losa basa Kale de ana ladi lee losa Savu, Helok ma Liti-Lifun.
Jalan Keselamatan-Nya Tuhan Yesus disiarkan ke seluruh Kale lalu menyeberang ke Sabu, Semau dan Timor.
The Way of Salvation of the Lord Jesus spread throughout Kale, then continued until reaching Savu , Semau and Timor.

Tehuu losa lole faik ia dalen do lada ledok ia tein tetun bei taa do teman bei taa,
Namun hingga saat ini belum lengkap atau belum sempurna,
However to this day and until this moment, it is incomplete and has not been fully realised,

Huu hataholi taa nambakai dai Susula Malalaok Malain tutudan huu sakolan tana losa,
Karena orang tidak mampu mengerti maksud Alkitab bahasa Indonesia karena pendidikannya tidak sampai,
Because people were not able to understand the meaning of the Malay Bible, since they did not have enough education,

Huu andia na taa nalelak nabe’i Susula Malalafuk Indonesian ndandaan huu malelan tana ndukun.
Karena insan tidak mampu memahami tujuan Kitab Suci bahasa Indonesia karena sekola tak lanjut.
Because the populace were not able to comprehend the Scriptures written in Indonesian, since their knowledge was not sufficient.

Tehuu ma’uak do manalek neu Malangga Sinode GMIT.[xvii]
Namun berbahagia kepada Ketua Sinode GMIT.
However we are grateful to the head of the GMIT Synod (=main protestant church in the region).

Dalek esa dudu’an no UNKRIS[xviii] ma Salani Amerika,
Sehati dengan UNKRIS dan gereja Amerika,
And equally thankful to UNKRIS (local Christian univ.) and to Christians in America,

Do teik esa a’afin no Arafura Consulting and Training Services.
Atau sepakat dengan Arafura Consulting and Training Services.
For making an agreement with Arafura Consulting and Training Services (ACTS = their link to Bible agencies).

De ala ue-osa leu esa lo Lote ana nala do Kale umbu nala,
Mereka bekerja sama putera-putera Rote,
They worked and laboured together with the native peoples of Rote, and the children of Kale.

Fo ala tao Susula Malalaok isin neni dede’a Lote neu,
Mereka menerjemahkan isi Alkitab Suci dalam bahasa Rote,
They translated the contents of the Holy Bible into the languages of Rote,

Do ala lakalala’ok Susula Malalafuk liin neni dede’a Kale neu
Atau mereka menyalin Kitab Suci ke dalam bahasa Kale
And they transferred the message of the Holy Scriptures into the dialects of Kale.

Huu ndia de sila tatao-nono’in nabuna ma naboa so.
Karena itu maka pekerjaan mereka telah membuahkan hasil.
That is why their work and their efforts have born fruit and produced results.

De lole faik ia dalen do lada ledok ia tein,
Sehingga hari ini dan pada saat ini,
So that up to now and even at this moment,

Ele leo bee na, susuek neme Amak Manetualain ma Lamatuak Yesus Kristus mai, fo ita ketu-kolu ita tolanoo nala mbuse-titin, no namahenak do nakabanik, takaboi–tasamao neu lalaun, fo huun ana leloaka ma doon ana laifata, fo nabuna sodak taa mana ketuk nai nusa-sodak, ma naboa molek taa mana basak nai Inggu Molek.
Biarlah dengan kasih sayang dari Allah Bapa dan Tuhan Yesus Kristus agar kita panen jerih – lelah dari saudara-saudara kita, dengan harapan kita memupuknya hingga subur, lalu berbunga dan berbuah hidup yang di Surga.
May the love of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ allow us to bring to harvest what our brothers and sisters have planted with faith and trust, so that our hope and service can cultivate what they have planted, in order to blossom into a fertile harvest of eternal life in heaven, and bear everlasting fruit in paradise.

Suek Manetualain ma Ana Mane Kisan Yesus Kristus naden nana koa-kiok ma nana lukutelek losa dodoon na neu.
Agar nama Allah Bapa dan Anak yang Tunggal yaitu Yesus Kristus di puji dan di sembah hingga selama-lamanya.
So that the name of Almighty God and His Only Son Jesus Christ will be praised and worshipped throughout eternity.

Terima kasih
Thank You

www.wysite.org/sites/cbgrimes 1 ©2004 Albert Zacharias

[i] Albert Zacharias is a descendant of the king of Lole that has a part in this ballad. He is also one of the translators working on translating the Bible into the everyday language of Lole. Albert composed and adapted this ballad for the occasion of the dedication of the Gospel of Mark in the Lole language. He also did the translations into Indonesian and English. It appears as he made it, with a few minor editorial adjustments to the spelling and translations, some clarifications for an uninformed audience, with some guesses here and there by Charles E. Grimes.
[ii] Lote do Kale = Nama pulau Rote (two names of the island of Rote).
[iii] Heti Lole do Ningga Lada = nama kerajaan Lole (two names for the domain of Lole).
[iv] Falu-ina = Balu/janda adalah orang yang paling miskin (widows are seen as the poorest most unfortunate of all people).
[v] Ana-maa = Yatim-piatu adalah orang yang paling miskin (orphans are also seen as the poorest most unfortunate of all people).
[vi] Tada Muri do Rene Kona = Nama kerajaan Tii (names for the domain of Tii).
[vii] Pena Pua do Baka Lama = Nama kerajaan Ba’a (names for the domain of Ba’a).
[viii] Danda Nane do Nggede Kee = Nama kerajaan Lelain (names for the domain of Lelain).
[ix] Sangga Ndolu do Tungga Lela = Nama perahu ke Batavia (Cari hikmat dan bijaksana); name of the boat they took to Batavia (Seek Wisdom and Pursue Knowledge).
[x] Sapi Dape do Bebe Ino = nama pulau Bali (names for the island of Bali).
[xi] Jaba Dipa = nama pulau Jawa (name for the island of Java).
[xii] Matabi = nama Batavia (name for Batavia, now Jakarta).
[xiii] Mandoo = Nama istana darurat/benteng pertahanan Lole. Di sini sekolah dan gereja pertama didirikan. (Name of the temporary palace and defensive fort in Lole. This is where the first school and church were erected in Lole.)
[xiv] Fiulain = Nama istana darurat/benteng pertahanan Tii. Di sini sekolah dan gereja pertama didirikan. Pada jaman Belanda, nusak Tii sering ditulis ‘Thie’ walaupun tidak ada dasar ilmu bahasa untuk /th/ ataupun /ie/. [red.] (Name of the temporary palace and defensive fort in Tii. This is where the first school and church were erected in Tii. During the Dutch era, the domain of Tii was often written ‘Thie’, even though there was no linguistic justification for either /th/ or /ie/. It is a Dutch-biased spelling. [ed.] )
[xv] Helok = pulau Semau (the island of Semau).
[xvi] Liti-Lifun do Soe-Tata = nama pulau Timor (names for the island of Timor).
[xvii] GMIT = Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor (Evangelical Protestant Church of Timor).
[xviii] UNKRIS = Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana, Kupang (Artha Wacana Christian University in Kupang).
www.wysite.org/sites/cbgrimes 6 ©2004 Albert Zacharias www.wysite.org/sites/cbgrimes 7

Daniel Zacharias 
education from womb to tomb

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